Max Ride (India) Rubber Private Limited, is a leading manufacturer and exporter of various ranges of High Quality Tyres & Tubes. REGA Consultancy was hired in 2016 for expansion of their existing tube manufacturing to tyre manufacturing facilities. Also, REGA worked on shortcomings in the existing facility in boiler & curing area along with recommendations to overcome them.
Here are a few major benefits of Maxride Rubber Pvt. Ltd. By partnering with REGA Consultancy Services:
There were many challenges in machine selection & design layout as the current tube facility has restricted space and in the space the tyres manufacturing facility has to be incorporated with efficient production.
The Chief Consultant and Project Engineer visited the plant for 2 days. A very detailed inspection was done in the boiling & curing presses area.
Corrective action was taken on these while onsite visit and solutions were provided for each challneges. Also, Best Machineries recommendations with their dealer’s information was provided for the tyre manufacturing facilities.
Recommendations were provided for the shortcomings in the existing facility to overcome them and helped in machineries selection & finalization with machine design layout.